Sunday 9 December 2012


Every moment is suffocating,
Every day is 2oo hard,
4 sunrise I'm still waiting,
Every1 seems so harsh. :'(

Wish I cud run away,
leaving all, sumwhere far,
Wish I could camouflage,
its better than being chained and barred. :'(

These dry tears,
with none to calm me down from fears,
This fake smile,m trying,
But how long shud I carry :'(

The crowded homes,
And deserted rooms,
The quiet floors,
These shrieking roofs.

Wont u take me away from all,
Sumwhere far,and even beyond,
Or will u leave me,
The way ,did all???

With thousand reasons to die,
And 1 to live,
Move ahead all,
And so I will.
For I know sumwhere out there,
At sum crossroad or sum turn,
Ill find u waiting for me,
Yes I will.

And dis makes me cry,
ending my pains n griefs,
And I smile ,
even when eyes bleed. :')

Missing sumthing,.....Missing a part of lyf........Missing u :'(

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