Tuesday 1 October 2013


Completely unpredictable,
Goes on n on,
A normal moment
n a breath stops,
n nthin cn b achieved further on.

Miserable,isnt it...dis crazy lyf...
n u keep mkin plans 4 da day u call "Tomorrow"
n u keep crying n wailing
4 all ur materialistic deficiencies n sorrow !!!

Der dat tree has grown tall n bushy,
Each of its brother envies it on,

n each passing dyspeptic watching with greedy eyes,
its fruits...ignorance is bliss n strong .

Cz da next day brought da storm,
n every single tree did fall,
no more envying minds n greedy eyes,
today its all a silent call !

Yes, 2day dat girl builds castles of gold,
4 tomorrow its all play n happiness,
bt da nyt takes away da girl's soul,
n tomorrow its all in vain n all dreams ceases !

Aint u see,
its all so clear,
wat use it is 2 cry 4 all u dun hv,
n tears 4 tomorrow's fears ?

Live fully 2day,
when u hv sense n breath !
n feel obliged n fortunate,
dat at least 2day...u r far away from death :')

Thursday 18 April 2013


A kiss,a hug ...
A simple expression of luv,
sweet wrds n silence
all hatred they curb !
But dat thought of u
dat touch n glance of u
ur luv n mischief
ur teasing n ur smile
all dat made me go wild...

bt tym changes quite soon
sun does rise up higher after no moon,
nw u seem so cold...
ur memories r nw so old
u did mean evrythin 2 me once
da meaning I cudnt remember nw
things abt u r nw a regret
which once hd seemed wow!!!

tears hv ended nw
no remorse n guilt nemore
Id never imagined
if sum1's luv cn even b more
its nt abt givin lyf 2nd chance
its abt waiting 4 da ryt chance
evry step ahead is a new turn
a newer experience n a better lyf :)

Sunday 9 December 2012


Every moment is suffocating,
Every day is 2oo hard,
4 sunrise I'm still waiting,
Every1 seems so harsh. :'(

Wish I cud run away,
leaving all, sumwhere far,
Wish I could camouflage,
its better than being chained and barred. :'(

These dry tears,
with none to calm me down from fears,
This fake smile,m trying,
But how long shud I carry :'(

The crowded homes,
And deserted rooms,
The quiet floors,
These shrieking roofs.

Wont u take me away from all,
Sumwhere far,and even beyond,
Or will u leave me,
The way ,did all???

With thousand reasons to die,
And 1 to live,
Move ahead all,
And so I will.
For I know sumwhere out there,
At sum crossroad or sum turn,
Ill find u waiting for me,
Yes I will.

And dis makes me cry,
ending my pains n griefs,
And I smile ,
even when eyes bleed. :')

Missing sumthing,.....Missing a part of lyf........Missing u :'(

Sunday 21 October 2012


Days back there was a time,
I turned around but could not find,
solace,peace or contentment,
felt like my heart was wrenched. 

I felt despondent,
as if no one cared,
I wondered whether it was my fault,
or my own self had dared.

"Do I deserve that?"
I asked my heart,
"Serve you right"
my friend said and did depart.

It was then that I felt
I was left alone in this dreary desert,
Not a single hand to hold,
as if no one bothered.

How to explain 
that I still care,
yet you left me,
saying that I never fared.

How to explain
the reason for my separation,
I don't deserve you,
as I know my presence hurts you.

Yet I cherish the days
when we were together,
how you promised
that we will be one forever.

Still I hope our relation
will never see cremation,
with this I end 
the saga of my emotions!!!


Life is stage,
It has its entries and exits,
It has its heroes and heroines,
It has pros and cons,
It is sweet ,it is salty,
It is joy ,it is pain,
It is refreshing,it is depressing,
But this is it.

Life may be long ,may be short,
It may be worth or futile,
But we all have to act,
so why not we positively react?
Why make our life complicated,
with too much cheer,
or too much hatred.
Life is a unique flavour,
so lets enjoy,
And this is it...!!!


those gleamy eyes.......
that charming smile....
makes my heart throb....and it goes on and on!!!
why are u overpowering me...
except u why I can't c...
what is this rush....or just another crush...!!!
my dear,just come back to me...

yet I love when u r near...
closing my eyes...holding u tight...
in ur arms ,I feel secure...
will never let dis moment go ,4 sure!!!
still waiting....
coz I know da day is near
when u'll come back 2 me...

bt now I can feel da tinge of separation....
u r with her..can't bear da situation....
don't u feel da way I do...?don't u catch a breath when I look at u....?
m going mad.....
want dat tym 2 be back......
n now m sighing,m craving
my love...
come back 2 me......


its a strange tym..
da thought of u....oh ,feels divine...
fairytales seem true...
movies feel  renewed...
u hv completely blown off my mind...!!!

do u feel da same as I do?
feel lyk laughing 2 da core...
feel lyk humming a tone..n den more
do u blush when I luk at u?
or when my thoughts overpower u?

dont u feel lyk holding me tight?
dat deep breath...dat innocent smile...
dat touch,wish it lasts 4ever...
dat coziness...may it fade never!!!

with da passage of tym...
da feeling seems strengthening...
da nights seem shorter...
da days seem lengthening!!!

cant da tym just pause dis moment...
da earth stop spinning..
just crave 4 dis 2 happen..
just u n me 2gether...
arms in arms...
continue walking..
dis walk 2 remember!!!