Sunday 21 October 2012


those gleamy eyes.......
that charming smile....
makes my heart throb....and it goes on and on!!!
why are u overpowering me...
except u why I can't c...
what is this rush....or just another crush...!!!
my dear,just come back to me...

yet I love when u r near...
closing my eyes...holding u tight...
in ur arms ,I feel secure...
will never let dis moment go ,4 sure!!!
still waiting....
coz I know da day is near
when u'll come back 2 me...

bt now I can feel da tinge of separation....
u r with her..can't bear da situation....
don't u feel da way I do...?don't u catch a breath when I look at u....?
m going mad.....
want dat tym 2 be back......
n now m sighing,m craving
my love...
come back 2 me......

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