Sunday 21 October 2012


Everything's weird,isn't it strange,
u seem so close,yet my heart's in pain,
I feel da pressure,I feel da strain,
it may b u or may b da time has changed.

ur lyk a drug,u've made me addicted,
ur fragrance,can feel it everywhere,
ur touch,I still relish upon,
bt they're da memories,which just can't fade.

bt past few days hv seen a change,
I cant find u,there's no trace,
had u nt promised 2 care 4 me to da core? 
bt now u never share,ignore n more.

every morn I pick up my phone
2 c ur name,a msg,a call,
n den I put it down with a thumping heart,
coz der r many bt all unknown.

I crave 4 that look of luv
that caring touch,those petty grudge,
bt I turn around,with a despondent look,
how painful 2 exclaim its u whom I can't find.

why this separation?
it hurts a lot!
why that ignorance?
it wrenches my heart!

yet deep there in my heart
a voice says u do care!
n so here I still sit n wait,
wishing one day u'll realise my worth
n return bt I wont b there!!!

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