Sunday 21 October 2012


Pity 4 da world so beautiful,
Pity 4 da life so refreshing,
Pity 4 da friends so humane,
Pity 4 it seems so fake.

Haven't u fancied urself as a hero?
With people admiring,it seems a pleasure,Oh!
Haven't u imagined urself in da lead?
With all following,wat a jolly treat!

Always there had been
A frnd 2 support,
A hand 2 hold,
A flavour 2 munch.
Always there had been
A feeling of belonging,
Some1 luving u,
Still 4 more u keep longing?

But with a single wink,
Just 4 once ur eyes u blink,
The reality is revealed,
A fantasy just deceived.

U feel da pang of pain,
That loneliness hurts,with no1 to care,
U feel befriended,completely shattered,
Try 2 find but da pieces seem so scattered.

Yet in dat senselessness,
Stands a ray of hope,
Still from within da thorns,
U see a blooming rose.

His fragrance calms u 2 satiety,
His thoughts,u feel u r his priority.

Still everyone craves 4 dat touch,
A devoted frnd,a true luv,
Knowing dat he's always been with u,
n so shall 4ever continue!!!

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